New Delivery Pick Up Coming Soon
We've been asked recently if we can bring back our lockdown delivery? As much as we'd love to, the traffic levels returning to normal mean it just wouldn't be feasible. However it did get us thinking that a mobile delivery pick up system could work....
So this is how we think it could work -
To begin with we would visit each delivery area once a month. We need more information before we decide our delivery areas but for example it might be -Glasgow, Livingston & West Lothian, Fife & Dundee, East & Midlothian).
Each delivery area will have 2/3 pre set pick up locations.
Customers would pre order by Monday evening for delivery that Friday/Saturday.
We arrive at the pick up locations at a pre determined time window and hand over your order.
Products we hope to offer include - doughnuts, chocolate, macarons, baked goods, croissants, munchie boxes.
What we need from you just now is to please fill in our form below (we promise it's super short), that way we can see who's interested and where they are. Please feel free to share with any friends and family you think might be interested.